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10 Signs You Might Be A Naturalista

10 Signs You Might Be A Naturalista

So what exactly is a naturalista? Many people use the term today but in most cases, they are referring to hair or being a vegan. Being a Naturlista is much more than your hair or what you eat. It is about the sheer will and determination to live a healthy lifestyle. To make it real simple… it is a state of mind. When we make a conscious decision to live on purpose and care for ourselves we become better beings. This includes evaluating what we put in and on our bodies. Being a Naturalista can intermingle in with the world of veganism. Veganism is a broad topic that covers many different issues, including (but not limited to) animal exploitation, environmental concerns, and our personal health. Each individual has to decide how to live a healthy and fulfilling life. It starts with one decision. That one decision can truly alter your destiny and set you on the path to healthy living.



1.You have made the bold decision to eat fruits and vegetables regularly

2.You look at labels to see what your clothing are made of (no animal derived merchandise)

3.You try to reduce your carbon footprint

4.You purchase health and beauty products with precaution (non-toxic brands)

5.You use coconut oil for everything :+)

6.You drink and love the following: water, kombucha, tea, coconut water, or almond milk

7.You understand that self-love and self-care starts with you

8.You love your hair in its natural state

9.You love your body in its natural state

10.You commit to some form of exercise regularly

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