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Stay Woke - Food

Stay Woke - Food

Today we have the opportunity to eat almost anything we want. There are grocery stores and restaurants on almost every corner. When we are hungry very seldom do we stop to consider how much we are consuming? We eat until we are satisfied. In some cases, it might not be a bad thing. It really depends on what you are eating. We like to think that “real food” is healthy a nutritious especially if it is prepared properly with no artificial additives. It provides our bodies with the nutrition it needs to help us maintain a healthy lifestyle. Real food has been consumed throughout evolution and there are tons of research studies that show the benefits of eating an all-natural healthy balanced diet. We all know that we should minimize sugars and starches, by replacing them with foods rich in protein and healthy fats. But why don’t we do that? Sometimes it is merely a combination lack, self-love, and education. Other times it is a matter of choice. Decide to live a healthier lifestyle on purpose today.

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