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What is a vegetarian?

What is a vegetarian?

You may have heard the term vegan or vegetarian and you may be wondering what the difference is. The short answer is there are modified forms of vegetarians. We like to call them levels. Some people start at a certain level and they work their way up. Others are comfortable with the level they have decided to pursue. Check out the information below. It explains how we view the different levels


  • Vegetarianthis term covers the full gamut of people who primarily eat fruits and veggies. Each level has a different diet

  • VeganVegans do not consume any animal products or by-products.This means that do not consume eggs or dairy products. Vegans are very strict about what they eat and purchase. They do not use any products that contain honey or beeswax, gelatin and any other animal by-product ingredients. Vegans also do not purchase clothing that contain animal products such as silk, leather and wool.

  • Lacto Vegetarian: Lacto-vegetarians do not meat or eggs. Lacto-vegetarians do consume dairy products such as cheese, milk and yogurt.

  • Ovo Vegetarian:Ovo-vegetarians do not meat or consume dairy products. Ovo-vegetarians eat egg products.

  • Lacto-ovo vegetarian: Lacto-ovo vegetarians do not meat. Lacto-ovo vegetarians consume dairy and egg products.

  • Pollotarian/Pescatarian: Is a “semi-vegetarian” or “flexitarian” diet that restricts specific meat consumption. A pollotarian eats poultry and fowl only. A pescatarian east seafood only.

  • Flexitarian – A plant-based diet with occasional consumption of meat. This is not technically considered a “vegetarian” diet, but we commend the effort!


MEAT: red or white meat, fish or fowl



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